large terrace patio with rattan garden furniture set surrounded by lush greenery

Decorative Concrete

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You may not have considered concrete as a decorative material, but at Pasadena Concrete Company, we will astound you with our ideas and, more importantly, our results with decorative concrete!

Types of decorative concrete

There are many styles of decorative concrete to choose from, each with its unique design and finish that will wow you. Stained concrete is a long-lasting color choice for concrete floors. Decorative stained concrete can be used as an exterior concrete stain for pool decks and patios, as well as an interior concrete stain for kitchen floors and bathrooms. Any space will benefit from the addition of polished concrete as it adds elegance and also gives an illusion of more space. If the concrete is fresh or old, our concrete contractors will grind it into a high-gloss finish. Any floor will benefit from the use of stamped concrete to add texture and style. To leave an impression, we use big molds or stamping mats and press them into wet concrete. These molds or mats can be personalized to imprint the style on concrete. Another option for making your floors look like stone, wood, or brick is to use stamped concrete. Colored concrete is created by penetrating the concrete with a dye that has been combined with a solvent to obtain the desired color for your concrete floor.

Where can you use decorative concrete?

Pasadena Concrete Company will show you where decorative concrete can be used in your home if you are unsure. To get you started, here are some decorative concrete ideas. You don't have to stick with the dull grey concrete that is often used in basements if you use decorative concrete. In the bathroom and kitchen, you can pick any decorative concrete you want, and we'll make sure it's slip-resistant. At every dinner party you throw, your guests will be blown away by your decorative concrete floor in your dining room. You can also use it to give your dull garage a new modern look with stain-resistant decorative concrete.


Decorative concrete is all the rage right now, so you'll be right on top of the latest modern trends. Decorative concrete is not only beautiful, but it is also low maintenance, making spills a breeze to clean up. Decorative concrete is also ideal for families with small children. Most other flooring options are more expensive than decorative concrete. Decorative is often long-lasting and can be restored or resurfaced at any time to restore their original appearance. When properly sealed, concrete flooring is resistant to most stains, including oil, grease, water, paint, and almost anything else that is spilled on it. Our Houston concrete contractors will make certain that your concrete is properly poured and sealed.

Is it expensive?

No, it is not costly, and it is significantly less expensive than other flooring options. Our prices differ depending on the type of decorative concrete you need, as well as the size of the floor, as a larger floor requires more labor. In the long term, you'll save money on cleaning work, which can be very costly when it comes to getting carpets washed, for example.